Can you handle the English language? Are you sure? If you are, do a FREE cycle of Brutal Force with ETC and practice hard your language skills. If you feel like you are far from the fluency, which you are expecting a lot, click here and schedule a free conversation to know your level for our modules. However, if you understand English, feel comfortable to communicate in this language and feel like you can get better. Dear speaker soul, you are at the right place and this is a challenge for you.
Do not be intimidated with the name BRUTAL FORCE (maybe a little bit). This module has been done for you to have an attended progression and based on a non-linear methodology. It means BRUTAL FORCE doesn’t have beginning, middle and much less an end. But monthly continuous cycles, which all the month will bring a new theme that will adapt this way, involving you dear speaker in an infinity of new words and discussions certainly you wouldn’t have contact on the traditional model.
The Brutal Cycle
The cycle of Brutal Force was created for you to give an UP on the 4 main skills of a fluent one, here they are:
Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. Exercises directed right for these
skills is going to make you improve increasingly your communication strength.
All of this is trained with the special way of ETC. Lightly and relaxed, turning the development the most natural as
possible. Then, the way to communicate will be subtler.
Each cycle has a central theme that guides the Brutal student during all the month, navigating inside that subject, it brings new vocabulary, debates, arguments of an efficient way and makes the student listen with more attention the opinions from classmates. Below, we are going to explain each class of the cycle and how they will help you.
The first class of the cycle opens the theme, bringing an article about the subject to be approached during the month, so you are going to train the skill Reading and will be acquainted with the theme will be discussed in the coming weeks.
In the second class of the cycle, the Teacher will bring some videos about the approached subject and you will listen to different accents and acquainted yourself with a vocabulary a little more technical, running away from common concepts for the classes which train the skill Listening.
It’s time to make that good old round of conversation and express your thoughts about the subject in question. In an open and relaxed way, everyone will speak about the theme of the cycle as the good brazillians we are.
We’ve got the end of our cycle and now we have the responsibility of produce a speech about the theme we have seen during the month. Now your vocabulary has been enriched and your ears and tongue are sharpened, you must make a point of view and should present to the others. Different of the previous class, here each one will have during a moment, the spotlights and might place yourselves more elaborately.
Challenge Accepted?
Now, you know what is BRUTAL FORCE and how we can help you going beyond with this training, it arrived the time to accept our challenge and complete a 100% free cycle. (That’s it! On ETC’s dime!)
Show us that you’re a BRUTAL and enjoy!