Como prometido hoje voltamos ao blog para desvendar as receitas de ação de graças do nosso Brutal Force! Primeiramente é bom lembrar que ação de graças é sobre compartilhar e nesse quesito todos os alunos da sala estão de parabéns, todos deram o seu jeitinho de compartilhar algo entre os colegas e mesmo debaixo de chuva compareceram para ter uma refeição harmoniosa e deliciosa. Nem todos conseguiram trazer algo típico desta data, mas a ideia principal não foi deixada de lado, por isso agradecemos e compartilhamos e foi sensacional! Sobre os pratos típicos tivemos dois: Torta de Abóbora e Muffins de milho com Mel!
Deu água na boca né? Mas calma! Não vamos te deixar a ver navios, abaixo você confere a receita completa desses dois pratos deliciosos IN ENGLISH, mas com as medidas do Brasil pra você fazer facilmente e compartilhar com toda sua família e amigos ❤️
163g yellow cornmeal
142g flour
12g baking powder
100g granulated sugar
5g salt
240ml milk
2 large eggs
60g butter
120ml cup honey
- Preheat oven to 400°F (204ºC)
- In a large bowl mix the cornmeal, flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt.
- In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the milk, eggs, butter and honey.
- Add the wet to the dry ingredients and stir until just mixed. Gently fold in the corn.
- Lightly spray the muffin tins with nonstick cooking spray. Skip this step is using paper liners. Fill the muffin tins 2/3 full with the batter.
- Place the muffin tin on a sheet pan and bake in the center rack of the oven. Bake for 15 minutes, until golden and toothpick inserted in the center, comes out clean.
As promised, today we’ve come back to reveal the thanksgiving recipes from our Brutal Force class! First of all it’s good to remember Thanksgiving is about to share. In this aspect all students must be congratulated. Everyone has managed to share something among the classmates and even under the rain they’ve appeared to have a delicious and harmonious meal. Not everyone could bring something typical, but the main idea hasn’t put aside, that’s why we thanked, shared and it was amazing! About the typical dishes we had two: Pumpkin Pie and Honey Cornbread Muffins! It made your mouth water, didn’t it? Calm down! We’re not going to let you craving them. Above you see all the recipes IN ENGLISH, but in Brazilian measures for you preparing easily to share with all your family and friends ♥